Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Barking in the voice God gave me

The first question to answer is “why?” or maybe it’s “why now?” Those are either the first two questions to answer, or question one, sub-questions a) and b).

“Why now?” can be evaded by saying several things came together and the time seemed right. I’m involved in this thing in New York City. It’s run by NYFA, and it’s called Artist as Entrepreneur Boot Camp. I’m making a go of it, though it really seems better suited to people other than me, and part of making a go of it is coming up with projects to give myself. A blog seemed like a good project—I’d been thinking about it for a while, I’d tried once before, it’s the kind of thing you can make to-do lists over. Also, I have a week left in my two-week residency, I’m in the middle of a big transitional period, and I want a place to park all my good news so whoever wants it can find it. So for all those reasons, here we go…

I wanted to call the blog “Injuring Eternity.” Apparently, that name’s been taken. I might name it that anyway, and just have that not be the name on the link, which could be my name, for instance. That’ll be the name until I get sued or come up with a better one, and I don’t think I can get sued for that.

If I could find a title out of this I’d do that (from Chekhov): There are big dogs and little dogs, but the little dogs should not be disheartened by the existence of the big dogs. All must bark--and bark with the voice God gave them.

I’d worry about it sounding too religious or, worse, self-helpy. So, I’ll stick with Injuring Eternity.

My final note: I tried this once before, and gave up because I was frustrated at the lack of feedback. I’m going to try again, and do it without any expectations at all from you, whoever you may be. I may pull some of the best of the old blog notes and repost them here. We’ll see about that.

Until next time, bark in the voice God gave you.

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